Sustainability in Salobre Hotel Resort & Serenity
Júnguel Sanjuán Fundation
We are committed to children and young people in the Canary Islands. We get involved in solidarity projects that contribute to the improvement of w...
Salobre & Culture
We form different alliances to promote and support social, cultural or informative initiatives at Salobre. Thus we assure our guests a link with th...
Environmental Policy
In this policy we want to make known our programs and responsible behaviors towards sustainable development
Community Policy
We are residents of the Canary Islands. Our main goal is to have an active participation in our community, supporting local projects to promote Can...
Energy consumption
We keep regular monitoring of our energy consumption.
Hotel Starlight
Salobre Hotel Resort & Serenity has achieved the Starlight certification, establishing itself as a leader in astrotourism while emphasizing its com...
Green areas
We take care of green areas as well as the flora and fauna of our surroundings.
"My Gesture for Nature"
We have the program My Gesture for Nature for when the client does not require the cleaning of the whole room. A doorhanger is lef...
Our recycling plan includes training and periodic control of procedures. We make a separation of the following waste for subsequent recycling.
LED lighting
We provide of LED lighting throughout the hotel and a computer program to control the switching on and off of lights as well as usage of twilight a...
Human Rights Policy
Human rights policy reflects Salobre Hotel's commitment to carrying out its activities in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect ...
Individually controlled thermostats
The rooms have individually controlled thermostats so that guests can regulate the temperature to their comfort. Furthermore the air conditioning i...
The rooms have an electronic device to activate the operation of the light with the room card.
Heating the pool
We have highly efficient air conditioning systems to heat sanitary water and swimming pools to guarantee propane consumption savings.
Water Consumption
We have atomizers to reduce the flow of water flow in the sinks and showers of the rooms. In addition, our cistern is double flow so as not to make...
Reducing plastic
We are committed to generating the least amount of plastic possible. We have refillable bottles for hotel staff and available for purchase in our P...
We promote the sustainability and serenity of our Salobre environment.
Ecological Amenities
We use ecological amenities based on natural products.
Social commitment
We firmly believe in protecting and supporting the rights of our employees, as well as human rights in general.
Quality Policy
Our overall goal is to improve our services and operations daily to offer the best guest exprience in terms of quality. We continuously work on the...
Biosphere Award
The hotel has received several awards for its work and effort in offering customers more sustainable products without losing sight of quality. Rece...